The best way to prepare for NTSE exam
depends totally upon us what study plan we follow? How attentive we are?
And many more factors. There is nothing like a magic bullet or an
elixir, which you can get right before the exam. NTSE preparation is
bound to get you confused. What to read and what to leave? How to
practice for NTSE? How much to practice? If I am from a state board, do I
need to prepare differently for NTSE?
Let’s dive into the tricks of cracking the NTSE exam:
Let’s dive into the tricks of cracking the NTSE exam:
- Follow NCERT Books: Follow NCERT books of classes IX and X for NTSE preparation. For some concepts in biology, refer NCERT Class XI Biology textbook (only portions that are relevant to IX and X class curriculum). It’s imperative to thoroughly study the Social Studies NCERT book for NTSE.