Wednesday, 21 May 2014

CBSE Results 2014 for Class 10 : Region wise performance

CBSE 10th results 2014 are out and are available at the official websites after a month long wait.
Around 13.28 lakh students who have appeared for the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE ) Class 10 examinations 2014 students can view their results.
Thiruvananthapuram received a cent (100) percent pass percentage from girl candidates and fared the best among the ten regions CBSE is divided in. The total pass percentage of this newly formed region is 99.96.
Chennai stands in the second position with a pass percentage of 99.68 but dropped few notched from 99.80 recorded last year. Te results for both the Chennai and Thiruvananthapuram region was declared a day early i.e May 19 in late evening.
Other regions in the order of their rank and pass percentages are:
Patna                 99.51
Panchkula         99.43
Ajmer                99.40

Allahabad         99.31
Bhubaneshwar 99.31
Delhi                 98.31
Guwahati          92.63
Total Pass Percentage who qualified for admission in Higher Classes in 2014 is 98.87 which is marginally more than that recorded in 2013 i.e 98.76.
Girls have again outshone boys with a pass percentage of 99.06 as compared to that of boys which is 98.74
The results are available for both the School based exams and external Board exams.
CBSE 10th results is available in the form of grades replacing the earlier system of scores on the form of percentages.
CBSE follows the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) system for grading its students in secondary level under the newly introduced scheme of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation in its schools in a phased manner.
The Class 10 candidates will be eligible to appear for the 'Improvement of Performance attempt that shall be conducted in the month of July, both by the Board and by the School. Based on the main examination which was held in March, the candidates can apply for the same.

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